MES: Open for Business
Dear MES Partner,
On behalf of the leadership team at Maryland Environmental Service we hope that you are staying safe and healthy. These are certainly challenging times and we know that your focus and energies are directed at the well-being of your local residents and businesses.
As a service provider working in every county in Maryland, we are keenly aware of the budget challenges that all jurisdictions across the State are facing and recognize that the budgeting and forecasting process for FY21 has been a tough one to say the least. At MES, we have been reviewing numerous local budgets with a goal to identify projects where MES may be able to provide support and help save precious dollars, that in turn could be dedicated to other equally important local programs and projects.
It is times like this when the true value of a partnership is revealed. Across the board we are reaching out to all our clients to help prioritize actions and assist where we can. While the day-to-day functions certainly take the lead in controlling activity on programs and projects, we are also doing everything possible to maintain as much normalcy as possible in all other areas of operation. There was significant momentum on many important projects prior to the outbreak of this virus and we are doing all we can to keep things moving forward. Staying focused in these areas will allow for a much quicker recovery and return to a normal operating cadence once this outbreak subsides.
Throughout the crisis, MES worked with our vendor community to identify additional opportunities to maximize efficiencies for our customers. We also ramped up our efforts to communicate grant and funding opportunities and any changes that occur to any of our service sectors. While many organizations curtailed efforts during the crisis, our teams never let off the gas and continued work on a variety of projects and scopes of work related to environmental projects such as:
· Water and Wastewater operations and maintenance
· Dredging and Restoration
· Recycling and Composting
· Stormwater management
· Renewable energy deployment
· GiS and data analytics
Virtually every local FY21 budget has some combination of projects focused on these types of environmental programs. MES leadership would welcome the opportunity to meet to discuss and prioritize activity moving forward in FY21. We remain 100% committed to supporting your requirements in the most cost-effective manner possible. Our goal as we move into FY21 is to continue to provide efficient and economically driven methods of supporting core activity. We know the upcoming months will not be without challenges and MES is committed to working together to provide successful outcomes for any scope of work that we undertake.
In the coming weeks, someone from the MES leadership team will reach out directly to set up a time to review plans for the upcoming year in greater detail.
Best Wojton, Deputy Director and COO