2023 Economic Development Week
Economic Development Week (EDW) in Maryland is designed to recognize the unique role that economic development has in creating vibrant communities. For Economic Development Week 2023 (October 23-27), Queen Anne’s County will educate, recognize, and promote economic development through a week of engaging action items centered around our four strategic pillars (economic development, tourism development, workforce development, and community development) that include a community forum, business walks, business resource information, and coordinated social media campaigns.
Internally, the overall goal for the week is to create a coordinated, effective campaign to promote public awareness of economic \ development’s contribution to local business climate, job retention and growth rates, the tax base, and the overall quality of life in Queen Anne’s County.
Monday, October 23rd: Supporting Local Business (Economic Development)(Economic Development)
Two teams of 3-5 Economic Development Commission Members will conduct 1/2 day tours of north and mid-county businesses, supporting them by listening and learning their stories, conducting an informal survey to assess potential business needs or expansion plans, and showing appreciation through certificates or citations.
Morning Tour: North County (Sudlersville, Barclay, Millington, Church Hill)
Afternoon Tour: Mid County (Centreville, Queenstown, Grasonville)
Tuesday, October 24th: Tourism Development & Marketing (Tourism Development)
Queen Anne’s County’s vibrant tourism industry is a primary source of our economic growth and development. Tourism creates jobs, strengthens the local economy, and contributes to local infrastructure development. Digital resources on tourism impact will be shared via our social channels and on our website.
Wednesday, October 25th: Industry Partnerships (Economic Development)
Sponsored by TEDCO and Bay Crossing Consulting, QACETD has been planning and organizing Protecting Maryland Agriculture: Smart Farming Cybersecurity Challenges & Solutions, a forum on the intersection of the cybersecurity and agriculture industries. The advances in agriculture-related technology have brought with them an increase in cybersecurity challenges. We’re bringing these two communities together, along with representatives from economic development, education, and finance to discuss and solve real-world challenges that come with the use of modern technology in food production. EDC members are encouraged to attend, share with anyone in your networks who are involved in farming, primary food processing, Agritech or cybersecurity.
Thursday, October 26th: Workforce Development
To grow, expand and succeed, business need access to a highly skilled workforce. Queen Anne’s County continues to be seen as a leader on the Eastern Shore in youth workforce development. So much so, that surrounding counties in the region are replicating our efforts and we are ahead of the curve on the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future initiative. Our Career Technology Liaison creates opportunities for youth on-the-job training and experience through internships and apprenticeships, namely those in technology and trade industries; and connects local business with a local youth workforce. Digital resources on workforce impact will be shared via our social channels and on our website.
Friday, October 27th: Supporting Local Business (Economic Development)
Two teams of 3-5 Economic Development Commission Members will conduct 1/2 day tours of Chesapeake Bay Business Park and Matapeake Business Park, supporting them by listening and learning their stories, conducting an informal survey to assess potential business needs or expansion plans, and showing appreciation through certificates or citations.
Morning Tour: Chesapeake Bay Business Park
Afternoon Tour: Matapeake Business Park