2021 MML Summer Conference (Virtual)

  • This event has passed.

The first ever virtual MML 2020 summer conference was as a success! You should be among the hundreds of Maryland city and town officials who will come together again this summer. The conference will be a two-part event, first live in-person on June 27-29 followed by an all virtual experience July 19-20. Learn about and discuss municipal issues and to network with fellow city and town officials. By participating in MML’s conference, you will enhance your knowledge and build skills that will improve your ability to serve the citizens who elected you.

Sponsor Opportunities

Be the Leader! Secure your organization as the information resource for Maryland’s Cities and Towns. Become a conference sponsor and show you want to do business with Maryland’s 157 local governments. Details.

Networking Opportunities

You will also have an opportunity to virtually and in-person meet with key state officials at the Cabinet Secretaries Roundtable and to visit commercial and state agencies in the online exhibit hall chat rooms, which includes over 200 exhibits. Exhibitors display a wide array of products and services including wireless technology, engineers, GIS systems, financial services, insurance, lighting, ordinance codification, recreation and parks equipment, water and wastewater supplies and consultants, and public works equipment and vehicles.

Saving Money
Past MML conference attendees report that attending educational workshops and meeting with conference exhibitors have saved significant amounts of money from what their municipality had previously been spending for the same service or product.

Things change. Stay ahead of the game. Schedule a portion of your time to researching new technologies, services, and products offered by over 200 hundred exhibitors. Attending MML’s 2021 conference could pay big dividends.

Conference registration and schedule details will be available on this website and in the Municipal Maryland magazine’s March/April edition. Contact MML  anytime if there are any questions.


Mon, Jul 19, 2021 - Tue, Jul 20, 2021

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