Event by partner of Regional Manufacturing Institute of Maryland (RMI) Visit event website for more info and sign up: https://nmtc.org/events/idisruptor-tech-talks?
Event by partner of Rural Manufacturing Institute of Maryland (RMI) See website for details and sign up: https://baltimorembda.com/event/mihub-monday-webinar-minority-made-in-america-mbda-advanced-manufacturing-center-chat
Event by partner of Regional Manufacturing Institute of Maryland (RMI) Visit website for event info and sign up: https://members.mdtechcouncil.com/calendar/Details/pgctc-summer-networking-soiree-let-s-reinvent-the-wheel-725060?sourceTypeId=Website
The Raising the Bar Conference is back and we hope to see you there! We will be LIVE in person for AMAZING opportunities for your personal and professional development. This event gives you the chance to connect and foster relationships with other professionals in the region. Mark your calendars!
REGISTRATION IS OPEN FOR FALL 2022 Lean Facilitator Certification Program (Qualifies for 50% training reimbursement. See ** below for details.) Since 2005, the Maryland World Class Consortia has trained and certified hundreds through our flagship program, the Lean Facilitator Certification Program (LFCP). LFCP is designed to grow your internal lean transformation specialists. This intensive...
TEDCO’s inaugural Tech Fair focuses on connecting underserved small businesses to resources and technology. This FREE event will welcome the region’s entrepreneurs and business owners to gain more of an online presence and access training programs provided by larger technology companies. These technology companies can provide services such as trainings on how to use their...
Learn How You Can Get Reimbursed for Your Employees' Training Costs! Join us for our training webinar on Harford County’s Workforce Technical Training Grant About this event Join us for our training webinar on Harford County’s Workforce Technical Training Grant, where participants learn about: The new online application portal The conditions of program eligibility Permitted...
Event by partner of Regional Manufacturing Institute of Maryland (RMI) Visit event website for more info and sign up: https://members.mdtechcouncil.com/calendar/Details/brtc-meet-the-members-what-is-going-on-in-cyber-723974?sourceTypeId=Website
Event by partner of Regional Manufacturing Institute of Maryland (RMI) Visit event website for more info and sign up: https://gbc.org/events/2022-gbc-golf-classic
Join us September 18-21, 2022 in Oklahoma City, OK for the 2022 Annual Conference! Connect with thousands of economic development professionals at the 2022 IEDC Annual Conference and turn disruption into innovation and opportunity. This year's program is officially live; make sure to check out the amazing sessions, keynotes, and more we have lined up. Economic developers today are facing unprecedented challenges. Rapidly changing technology and use...
All-You-Can-Eat.. STEAMED BLUE CRABS Steamed Clams, Steamed Corn, Suck'm down as they Shuck'm Raw Clam Bar, Fried Clam Strips, Fried Fish, Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/j-millard-tawes-crab-clam-bake-tickets-337495477057?aff=ebdssbdestsearch J. Millard Tawes Crab & Clam Bake About this event 45th Annual J. Millard Tawes Crab & Clam Bake Maryland's Largest AYCE Seafood Festival "In the Heart of the Chesapeake Bay"...