Main Street Program Manager (MSPM) – New Market

Job Information
The Position is for a 35-40 hour-a-week employee. It is an At-Will hire and an Exempt Position as defined in the Town’s Employee Manual. Compensation is commensurate with experience and other qualifications, with an annual salary of up to $60,000. The position is allotted up to 2080 hours a year. Hours will be reported on a weekly timecard and shall generally be 35 hours a week, five days a week, at Town Hall or other designated locations. Work hours may be adjusted occasionally to accommodate evening and weekend work time. The Main Street Program Manager is expected to manage their allotted yearly hours. The position includes two weeks of paid leave each year, based on the average weekly hours. Sick leave is accrued at one hour for 30 hours worked, up to 40 hours annually. Per the Employee manual, there is a 6-month initial probationary/ introductory period. The Main Street Program Manager reports to the Mayor and Town Council. The Mayor is the MSPM supervisor. The Town Council serves as the board of directors for the program.

Work Objectives
The Main Street Program Manager is the key management leader of Main Street New Market. The manager is responsible for developing, executing, and documenting the Main Street New Market program. They are the principal staff coordinating all local Main Street program activities. The program manager coordinates the program with town, county, and state development initiatives, regionally and
nationally, as appropriate.

1. General Responsibilities

a. Develop, in conjunction with the Main Street program’s board of directors and planner, downtown economic development strategies that are based on historic preservation and utilize the community’s human and economic resources. Collaborate with others who play a role in the Main Street program; become familiar with all persons and groups directly and indirectly involved in the downtown. Mindful of the roles of various downtown
interest groups, assist the Main Street program’s board of directors and committees in developing an annual action plan for implementing a downtown revitalization program focused on four areas: design/historic preservation; promotion and marketing, events, organization/management; and economic restructuring development.a. Provide regular written reports to the Board on activities and action plan progress.

b. Prepare and present quarterly reports to the Board and send reports to the State.

c. Contact the mayor weekly and give administrative officer & liaison to the board.

2. Manage all administrative aspects of the Main Street program, including purchasing, record keeping, budget development, accounting, preparing all reports required by the state Main Street program and by the National Main Street Center, assisting with the preparation of reports to funding agencies, and supervising Main Street Program employees, volunteers, or consultants.

3. Responsible for the fiscal integrity of the Main Street New Market program, including submitting to the Board a proposed annual budget and monthly financial statements that accurately reflect the organization’s financial condition.

4. Responsible for fundraising and developing other resources necessary to support the Main Street New Market mission while operating within the approved budget and maintaining the organization in a positive financial position.

5. Develop a program for the use of the Community Park Pavilion/Event Barn, including managing the schedule, leasing, and insurance. Work with other staff to ensure set-up /clean-up

6. Oversee all town-purchased Main Street special event decorations and equipment inventory.

7. Identify community needs that grants can address. Strategize with the grant manager and coordinate with existing town organizations under the Main Street umbrella to leverage funding opportunities.

8. Advise downtown merchants’ organizations on Main Street program activities and goals; support events, such as festivals or business promotions, to improve their quality and success and attract people to downtown; work closely with local media to ensure maximum coverage of promotional activities; encourage design excellence in all aspects of promotion to advance an image of quality for downtown.

9. As directed, assist the mayor and council in overseeing Main Street-related capital improvement projects and physical improvement projects by obtaining and supervising professional design consultants; assist in locating appropriate contractors and materials; participate in construction oversight when possible; and provide advice, guidance, and materials on necessary budgets and grants for physical improvements.

10. Help build strong and productive relationships with appropriate public agencies at the local and state levels.

11. Develop and maintain data systems to track the progress of the local Main Street program using the Main Street program format. These systems should include economic monitoring, individual building files, photographic documentation of physical changes, and statistics on job creation
and business retention.

12. Recruit volunteers and membership and coordinate the activity of the Main Street Committees, ensuring well-established communication between committees; assist committees with developing and implementing work plan items, including Special Events, 5K, and Green Team

13. Attend required State and National training and meetings as necessary for accreditation.

14. Represent the community to critical local, state, and national constituencies. Effectively communicate the program’s directions and work, mindful of the need to improve state and national economic development policies regarding commercial districts.

Resource Management Responsibilities
The Main Street Program Manager supervises any necessary temporary or permanent employees and professional consultants for Main Street New Market. The MSPM maintains local Main Street program records and reports, establishes technical resource files and libraries, and prepares regular reports for the board, state, and National Main Street Center. The program manager will also monitor the annual program budget and maintain financial records.

Job Knowledge and Skills Required
The MSPM should have education and/or experience in one or more of the following areas: commercial district management, economics, finance, public relations, planning, business administration, public administration, retailing, volunteer or non-profit administration, architecture, historic preservation, and/or small business development. They must be sensitive to design and preservation issues and understand issues confronting volunteers, downtown businesspeople, property owners, public agencies, and community organizations. The manager must be entrepreneurial, energetic, imaginative, well-organized, and capable of functioning effectively in an independent environment. Excellent verbal and written communication skills are essential. Supervisory skills are desirable.

Town Hall 40 South Alley PO Box 27, New Market MD 21774


Position open until filled.