Members’ Corner: Kyle Spears

Name, Title, Organization

Kyle Spears, Policy and Research Lead, Analytics Team, Office of Field Policy and Management, HUD HQ

Explain your background in economic development:

I have extensive experience working on housing and urban policy at the federal level, including a focus on how affordable housing impacts economic development. My work includes engaging with state and local governments to implement federal housing programs that promote sustainable urban growth, reduce housing vacancies, and foster community resilience. Prior to my current role, I worked on multifamily housing initiatives and developed data-driven approaches to forecast housing needs and budget requests.

What are your key priorities within your current position?

My key priorities include improving HUD’s outreach and communication strategies with local stakeholders, ensuring that federal housing policies are aligned with the economic development goals of communities, and vice-versa. I also focus on data analytics to support decision-making and ensure that our field offices can effectively engage with local governments and communities.

What professional pressures keep you up at night?

I am constantly thinking about how to ensure that federal resources are used efficiently and equitably. The challenge of balancing short-term needs with long-term community development goals, especially in areas facing economic hardship, is always at the forefront of my mind. Additionally, I’m concerned about ensuring that local governments have the capacity to implement complex federal programs in a way that truly benefits their communities.

What attributes are unique to your community?

Baltimore has a rich history, diverse population, and a strong sense of neighborhood identity. It has a unique blend of heritage and an emerging innovation scene, particularly in health, education, and tech industries.

If you could wave a magic wand, what would you want to work with MEDA on to move Maryland forward?

I would focus on building stronger regional housing and development plans that align with local economic goals. By working on comprehensive plans that integrate housing, transportation, and workforce development, we could create a more equitable and economically vibrant Maryland.

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