Membership Committee

The MEDA Membership Committee works to provide excellent customer service to our members. We act as a liaison between members and the board of directors, survey members on a regular basis to obtain their opinions about services that are being provided, offer additional networking opportunities throughout the year, and host a New Members Reception at the Annual Conference.

Committee members serve a one-year term beginning in May after the MEDA Annual Conference, meet by phone every other month, and attempt one face-to-face meeting each year.

MEDA members, nearly 500 strong and growing, are invested in job creation and improving the state’s business climate. They come from a broad range of professional backgrounds, including:

  • Private sector professionals with an interest in economic development.
  • State officials involved in economic development, workforce development, community development, land planning, minority business, the environment, and other key areas.
  • Local public sector employees involved in economic development programs in counties and municipalities.
  • Other members include national and international economic development leaders, transportation leaders, business consultants, and educators.

Committee Co-Chairs:

Committee Members:

Not-Pictured Committee Members:

  • Daisy Namukwaya, Economic Impact Analyst, FSC First