Economic Development Week will emphasize to the general public the importance of economic development for the State of Maryland. The week is designed to increase an understanding of economic development’s contribution to the State’s business climate, job retention and growth, the tax base and the overall quality of life in Maryland.
The Washington County Board of County Commissioners kicked off the celebrations on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 with a proclamation honoring the week.
Washington County Business Visits
On Thursday, October 26, and Friday, October 27, DBD, in conjunction with the Economic Development Commission, along with volunteer business ambassadors will be dispersing throughout the County to visit 36 businesses. The ambassadors will share resources with these businesses as well as take some time to address any concerns they may be facing.
Agritourism: Mini Training Series Kick-off
The Washington County Department of Business Development, Agriculture will be kicking off a mini-training series for individuals and businesses interested in expanding into agritourism. Three training sessions will occur over the course of three weeks at the Washington County Agricultural Education Center,
7303 Sharpsburg Pike, Boonsboro, Maryland.
Topics will include:
Models and Marketing Strategies
- University of Maryland Extension
- Washington County Convention & Visitor’s Bureau
- Washington County Public Relations & Community Affairs
Event date: October 25 | RSVP date: October 20
Legal and Liability Management
- University of Maryland Agriculture Law Education Initiative
- Nationwide Insurance / Wright-Gardner Insurance
Event date: November 1 | RSVP date: October 27
Customer Service, Safety and Logistics
- Panel: Washington County Planning and Permitting Departments, Emergency Services, Sheriff’s Office, State Fire Marshall’s Office
- Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) representative
Event date: November 8 | RSVP date: November 3
Those interested in attending the series can register
here. Registration is free.
For media interested in more information, contact Public Relations and Community Affairs