Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Awards Over $450,000 in Business Boost Microgrants To Expand Businesses in Baltimore Region

Awards were made to 10 businesses in Baltimore and Carroll counties and Baltimore City

New Carrollton, MD. – (March 28, 2025) – Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Secretary Jake Day today announced more than $450,000 in Business Boost microgrants to several businesses in the Baltimore region as part of the department’s continued focus to serve as a catalyst for economic development.

“Small businesses are the backbone of Maryland’s economy and these Business Boost grants provide an opportunity for a local enterprise to grow,” said Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Secretary Jake Day. “Successful businesses lead to thriving communities and ensure that Maryland continues on a path of sustained economic prosperity. Congratulations to each of the awardees, and thank you for all you do for your communities.”

Business Boost awards are offered through DHCD’s Neighborhood BusinessWorks program and provides applicants with microgrants ranging from $20,000 to $50,000 to support small businesses who need capital for growth and/or expansion opportunities. Grantees are subject to a 45-day local approval process before awards are distributed.

As part of the most recent round of awards, the department will provide grants to 10 businesses in Baltimore and Carroll counties and Baltimore City, totaling $466,231 in awards. Overall, $908,162 in grants to 22 businesses across eight counties and Baltimore City were given to recipients that showcased a well-defined plan to expand operations and positively impact Maryland’s local communities.

Baltimore region awardees include:

  • BGlam Hair in Baltimore City, which will use funds to expand its salon to include 25 suites for local entrepreneurs, a classroom for teaching financial literacy, podcast opportunities, and community events.
  • Staub Art Studio Inc. in Baltimore County, where exterior work will be done to enhance the community by displaying art to passersby and creating a more welcoming exterior.
  • Rapid Trucking Parking in Carroll County. Money will be used for expansion to offer more amenities for truck drivers.

More information about Neighborhood BusinessWorks programs and how we support local businesses can be found on DHCD’s website.

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