U.K. presence to advance global reach of Maryland’s unrivaled cyber sector
Baltimore, Md. (October 12, 2017) – Through a partnership between the Maryland Department of Commerce and iCyberCenter@bwtech, the state is opening a new international office in the United Kingdom. Maryland’s U.K. office, funded by Maryland Commerce through a grant to iCyberCenter@bwtech, is part of the state’s effort to expand its global footprint and explore new international partners, as well as engage U.K. cybersecurity companies and grow Maryland’s cyber sector. 
“Maryland truly is leading the cyber generation, and this unprecedented cyber sector growth is helping to drive an exciting economic resurgence in our state,” said Governor Larry Hogan. “This new U.K. office will enhance our ability to attract even more investment from international cyber companies, and further cement Maryland’s status as the cyber capital of the nation.”
“Establishing an office in the United Kingdom is another important step in enhancing Maryland’s global reach in cybersecurity,” said Maryland Commerce Secretary Mike Gill. “The U.K. office builds on our relationship with the Midlands Engine region, forged through an agreement signed during Governor Hogan’s trade mission to London in June. This is a win-win for cyber sectors in Maryland, the U.S., and the U.K.”
During the trade mission, Governor Hogan witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the state and Midlands Engine, the U.K.’s center of cybersecurity and technology, which seeks better collaboration between the cybersecurity sectors in Maryland and in the Midlands region. Maryland is home to the federal government’s top cybersecurity agencies, as well as more than 1,200 private-sector cyber companies, and leads the nation with 17 universities and colleges designated as National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense. 
The U.K. office, located in London, will be headed by Andy Williams, the former U.K. cyber envoy in Washington, D.C. Williams was recently hired to head iCyberCenter@bwtech, an international business incubator in bwtech@UMBC Research and Technology Park, and will continue as the incubator’s international director.
“I am delighted to have been chosen by Maryland to build its relationship on cybersecurity and defense with the UK,” said Williams. “Maryland represents a huge opportunity for overseas defense and cybersecurity companies seeking to establish a presence in the U.S. market. The U.S. federal government alone awards over $10 billion in annual contracts to information technology companies located in Maryland.”
bwtech@UMBC already houses the largest university-based cyber business incubator in the U.S.,” said Ellen Hemmerly, executive director of the bwtech@UMBC Research and Technology Park. “We look forward to continuing to work with our Maryland Department of Commerce partners to help attract the best overseas companies to the state. We are pleased that Andy will complement his key role as international director of iCyberCenter@bwtech with this additional role advocating on behalf of Maryland’s broader cybersecurity and defense assets.”
“Maryland is excited to be opening an office in the UK to help enhance our already-strong business relationships with the U.K., especially in the increasingly-important areas of defense and cybersecurity,” said Signe Pringle, managing director of Maryland Commerce’s Office of International Investment and Trade. “And we are delighted to have secured the services of Andy Williams to lead our U.K. activities, including developing bwtech@UMBC’s iCyberCenter, given his outstanding credentials in supporting hi-tech transatlantic trade and investment over the last two decades.”

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