Maryland Supports Research Professorship at University of Maryland, Baltimore County

University raised matching funds to promote research in applied mathematics through Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative

BALTIMORE, MD (March 13, 2025) – The Maryland Department of Commerce joined the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) in endowing more than $2 million to fund a new research professorship in applied mathematics. The endowment was made through the Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative (MEI), a state program created to spur basic and applied research in scientific and technical fields at colleges and universities. The university raised $1.06 million in private funding for the position, and Maryland Commerce approved a matching grant of $1 million to support the endowment.

“Economic growth in Maryland will be driven by investment in key industry sectors including the life sciences, information technology, and aerospace. Under Governor Moore’s leadership, we’re putting a strategic focus on computational biology, quantum, and artificial intelligence,” said Maryland Department of Commerce Acting Secretary Harry Coker, Jr. “Applied mathematics touches all of these sectors and more. Maryland Commerce is proud to support this investment in Maryland’s future.”

The Dr. Thomas I. Seidman Endowed Chair in Applied Mathematics, named for a professor who taught at UMBC from 1972 to 2017, is funded in part by a gift from Seidman’s estate. The endowed chair will support UMBC’s presence in applied mathematics, a discipline that drives innovation by leveraging fundamental mathematical principles and computational techniques to solve real-world problems. This research impacts fields that drive Maryland’s economy, such as medical imaging, artificial intelligence and machine learning, geophysics, and renewable energy.

“MEI’s match of the Seidman family’s generous gift will make it possible for UMBC to hire world-class applied mathematics faculty with expertise in research fields that will drive the economy of the future,” said William R. LaCourse, dean of the College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences at UMBC. “Under these experts’ mentorship, UMBC students will gain the necessary skills to excel in fields like data science and AI, preparing them for rewarding careers and to fill critical gaps in Maryland’s workforce.”

The Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative was created by the General Assembly during the 2014 legislative session and has provided more than $87 million in funding to leverage more than $97 million in private donations. The funding can be used to pay salaries of newly endowed department chairs, staff, and support personnel in designated scientific and technical fields of study; fund related research fellowships for graduate and undergraduate students; and purchase lab equipment and other basic infrastructure and equipment.

About Maryland Commerce

The Maryland Department of Commerce stimulates private investment and creates jobs by attracting new businesses, encouraging the expansion and retention of existing companies, and providing financial assistance to Maryland companies. The Department promotes the State’s many economic advantages and markets local products and services at home and abroad to spur economic development and international investment, trade and tourism. Because they are major economic generators, the Department also supports the arts, film production, sports and other special events. For more information, visit

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