Maryland Commerce program helps companies promote goods, services globally
BALTIMORE, MD (September 12, 2019) – The Maryland Department of Commerce has awarded nine small and mid-sized Maryland companies with ExportMD grants to help promote their products and services in the global marketplace. The ExportMD grant program helps businesses finance the costs of marketing internationally, including trade show fees and travel expenses. Applications are accepted on a monthly basis and the next application deadline is October 1, 2019. Eligibility requirements can be found on the Commerce website.
“Our administration is committed to growing Maryland’s economy, and programs like ExportMD do just that by helping our companies identify new customers in global markets,” said Governor Larry Hogan. “As a direct result of this program, many of these companies have been able to expand operations, create jobs, and open up new opportunities for trade and investment.”
“We have helped dozens of Maryland companies navigate their way into the global marketplace this year with help from the ExportMD program,” said Maryland Commerce Secretary Kelly M. Schulz. “By creating new international opportunities, our local businesses are gaining new customers all over the world and boosting sales right here at home. We encourage all small and mid-sized companies interested in global expansion to look into our assistance programs at Maryland Commerce.”
Among the companies included in this round of ExportMD grants is MidAtlantic Consulting, a boutique healthcare consulting company specializing in helping healthcare organizations transform patient volume to positive patient outcomes. The company is currently planning a series of meetings in Saudi Arabia to help the country develop a healthcare system modeled after the United States’.
“With help from the ExportMD grant, we’ll be traveling to Saudi Arabia for the second time later this year,” said David Chernov, managing partner at MidAtlantic Consulting. “The grant application process was very fast—I couldn’t believe how quickly it was turned around. The team at Maryland Commerce was available 24/7 and has gone above and beyond with helping us along the way.”
Established in 1999, the ExportMD program provides matching grants up to $5,000 from Commerce’s Office of International Investment and Trade. ExportMD is funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration, which has awarded multiple State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) grants to Maryland Commerce to help fund the program.
May-July 2019 ExportMD grant recipients
Anne Arundel County
Penacity, LLC
Baltimore City
Lion’s Wood Banquet Furniture
Baltimore County
Amethyst Technologies, LLC
Charles County
Arthur A. & Associates, LLC
Montgomery County
MidAtlantic Consulting, LLC
Prince George’s County
Captiva Solutions, LLC
Foodservice Contracting, LLC
About Maryland Commerce
The Maryland Department of Commerce stimulates private investment and creates jobs by attracting new businesses, encouraging the expansion and retention of existing companies, and providing financial assistance to Maryland companies. The Department promotes the State’s many economic advantages and markets local products and services at home and abroad to spur economic development and international investment, trade and tourism. Because they are major economic generators, the Department also supports the Arts, film production, sports and other special events. For more information, visit