MEDA members will have the opportunity to cast their vote for the following slate of officers at the Annual General Membership Meeting which will be held at the Spring Conference on April 27, 2021. We will also be inducting any new members who have joined since our January Conference.

The following slate of officers are being put forward for your consideration and we ask that anyone who wishes to contest this slate please notify us prior to the vote. Per our bylaws, members vote in the Executive Committee and the President appoints the co-chairs to complete the board of directors.


President: Daniel Thompson (Danny), Director, Somerset County Economic Development  

Vice President: Richard Griffin, CEcD, Director, City of Frederick Department of Economic Development 

Secretary: Denise Beaver, CEcD, Deputy Director, Carroll County Department of Economic Development

Treasurer: Stephen Primosch, Finance Officer, Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation  

Past President: Heather Gramm, CEcD, Senior Director of Strategic Industries and Entrepreneurship, Maryland Department of Commerce  

Article III, Item 2 of the MEDA Bylaws states “The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors shall be elected by the members at the Annual Meeting as outlined in Article V, Item 4.  The Committee Chairs shall be nominated by the Incoming President and approved by the presiding Executive Committee.  Committee Chairs will serve for a period of one (1) year.  Officers are elected for a term outlined in Article V, Item 4*.”

*Article V, Item 4 of the MEDA Bylaws: “The Officers shall be elected annually by the members at its annual meeting.  The Officers may be elected to two consecutive – one (1) year terms commencing per election at the Annual Meeting, and shall serve until their successors are elected.”

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