MCEDC with Partner LEDC Selected as New Fund Manager to Provide Loans to Maryland Small, Minority and Women-Owned Businesses Montgomery County now represented for first time in Maryland VLT Program;…
TEDCO Announced a Winner of the AMA Baltimore 2022 MX Awards
Tammi Thomas
TEDCO Announced a Winner of the AMA Baltimore 2022 MX Awards Recognized for best print advertisement campaign of the year COLUMBIA, Md. (June 7, 2022)—TEDCO, Maryland’s economic engine for…
Amanda Winters, Dept. of Commerce
ELITE COMFORT SOLUTIONS TO ESTABLISH NEW MANUFACTURING FACILITY IN MARYLAND Georgia-based manufacturer aims to add 225 new jobs by 2025 BALTIMORE, MD (June 6, 2022) – Elite Comfort Solutions LLC, a…
Beverly L. Everson-Jones
Sandy Dubay
Name, Title, Organization: Beverly L. Everson-Jones, Chief Financial Officer FSC First. Explain your background in economic development: Currently serve as CFO at FSC First, CDC And CDFI. In that role,…
MEDA Members’ Corner: Destiny Allen Mitchell
Sandy Dubay
Name, Title, Organization Destiny Allen Mitchell, Program Officer – National Economic Development, LISC Explain your background in economic development As an Economic Development Program Officer, I am responsible for supporting…
TEDCO to Receive up to $50 Million from State Small Business Credit Initiative
Tammi Thomas
TEDCO to Receive up to $50 Million from State Small Business Credit Initiative Funds incorporated into TEDCO’s investment programs for Maryland entrepreneurs COLUMBIA, Md. (May 25, 2022)—TEDCO, Maryland’s economic…
Maryland Department of Labor Releases April Jobs Report
Joe Farren
**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** MEDIA CONTACT Joe Farren Cell: (410) 746-0010 Maryland Department of Labor Releases April Jobs Report Unemployment Rate Decreases to 4.2% Lowest Unemployment Rate Since the Start…
Eastern Shore Launches Third Business Sentiment Survey
Jamie Williams
From Kent County Economic and Tourism Development Economic Developers across the Eastern Shore are seeking input from leaders on the current business climate. Designed by Salisbury University’s Business Economic and…
NOW OPEN: State Revitalization Programs Application Portal
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
NOW OPEN: State Revitalization Programs Application Portal Applications now being accepted Application deadline is Wednesday, July 13, 2022, at 3 p.m. These programs offer funding to support local housing,…
Governor Hogan Announces Plan to Deploy $198 Million in Small Business Relief
Sara Luell
Governor Hogan Announces Plan to Deploy $198 Million in Small Business Relief Maryland Was First State To Submit Its State Small Business Credit Initiative Plan To U.S. Treasury Three State…