Governor Moore Announces EmPOWER Maryland Plan To Increase Energy Efficiency and Reduce Utility Costs in More Than 60,000 Maryland Households

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Wes Moore today announced Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development will increase the number of households served by its EmPOWER Maryland energy efficiency program over the next three years. The approved plan is in response to new statewide household electric savings goals for limited-income households, established by the passage of HB169 during the 2023 Maryland General Assembly, and advances the Moore-Miller Administration’s efforts to make Maryland more affordable. 

“Increased energy efficiency benefits all Marylanders and all of Maryland,” said Gov. Moore. “Under this new plan, homeowners and renters alike will receive the benefit of monthly savings on their utility bills while supporting the growth of our state’s green economy.”

The EmPOWER Maryland program supports repairs and upgrades to limited-income households that help reduce energy use throughout the year, improving comfort, air quality, and health while lowering monthly utility costs. EmPOWER provides materials, equipment, and services at no additional cost to qualified homeowners and renters. 

The new EmPOWER Maryland plan establishes strategies and defines metrics for ambitious but achievable goals, creating a framework for strong, transparent collaboration with the General Assembly, the Public Service Commission, and other valued partners. Per the plan, EmPOWER Maryland will administer nearly $355 million for energy efficiency retrofits and upgrades to benefit approximately 60,000 households during the 2024 to 2026 program cycle. 

“It is time we took a full accounting of the true cost to limited-income families of renting or owning a home in Maryland. Often utility bills in poorly conditioned or poorly insulated apartments and homes represent a significant portion of housing costs,” said Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Secretary Jake Day. “The new EmPOWER Maryland plan is a culmination of feedback from program participants and stakeholders, combined with performance data, target market analysis, and it is driven by industry best practices. The plan establishes strategies for ambitious but achievable goals..”

The EmPOWER Maryland 2024-2026 cycle plan continues the department’s efforts to expand and streamline access to energy efficiency upgrades and home repairs for limited-income Marylanders. Since 2012, EmPOWER Maryland has helped nearly 54,000 limited-income households achieve energy efficiency benefits, including an average reduction in household energy usage between 16% and 23%. 

For more information about EmPOWER Maryland and other energy efficiency programs administered by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development, visit

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